Friday, 27 July 2018

The Blue Fort

Ive started to work on a new 3D piece-a childs play fort I bought in a local charity shop for a fiver. The fort was made in the sixties by a Bradford based toy maker. It is robustly made from thick plywood and was painted in mottled greys and greens. Some of its architectural detail reminds me of De Chiricos dreamy urban landscapes. Ive painted it a dark blue (using Dulux kitchen paint), and Ive added a print of Delft tiling to some of the floor spaces. The tiger seems to work well in this space. I dont know where this project is going...

Thursday, 19 July 2018

Only elevated remaining.

This image came from a lovely 1950s picture book of the USA. I think this elevated line was closed not long after this photo was taken. I love elevated railways, they are so romantic and its so much nicer than going through a tunnel. This collage also has meaning to me because the tree of life is one of my favourite motifs and the El was used frequently by an artist I admire-Joseph Cornell on visits to Manhattan from his home in Utopia Parkway, Queens.

Monday, 16 July 2018


I made this collage some time ago and have forgotten who the model is. Maybe Kiera Knightly? I must start taking notes.

Everything in the basket 50p

Shop cats Mind charity shop Camden Town.

Leytonstone Arts Trail 2018

Another view of my exhibition for the 2018 Leytonstone Arts Trail. A big thank you to all who visited.

Sky over E10

The view from my backyard at 136 Albert Rd. I was hoping to photograph one of the many planes that fly overhead but got tired of lying on my back waiting. Another time...


Paul T at the seaside.

Wednesday, 11 July 2018

Leytonstone Arts Trail 2018 Anima Rising at 136 Albert Road, London E10 6PB.

Here is a peek at part of the the gallery I have created for this years Leytonstone Arts Trail.

Ive tried to create an atmospheric space, an installation of sorts where my surrealist collages can play off each other.

Do come and visit. I am very close to the shops and cafes of Francis Road.

Anima Rising is open between 2.00 and 5.00 pm each day of the Leytonstone Arts Trail. Please drop-in.

Thursday, 5 July 2018

Leytonstone Arts trail-almost open.

Anima Rising exhibition will be open each day of the trail from 2.00pm to 5.00 pm.

Tuesday, 5 June 2018

Thursday, 1 March 2018

Monday, 26 February 2018